Monday, September 11, 2006

What Cripples Most Businesses?!

Interesting question, before or after they start?

I can't speak on "after they start" because our product is still in the development stages. But before they start?

Finding a damn name (just kidding).

Fear. Without a doubt. Fear that you won't be taken seriously. Fear that you won't be successful (everyone's got a TWINGE of it - to varying degrees - it's natural, and if you don't have it, I'd say there's something you haven't considered). Fear of the competition (we started with that, and got over it, slowly and then quickly - and realized competition is a good thing). Fear that you'll go broke in the process. And the fear that if you don't act, someone else will, who will execute your concept half as well and be twice as successful.

Yup Fear.

What cripples most businesses once they launch? My guess would be - LOSING FOCUS and focus applies to all things - financial management focus, human capital focus, product focus, service focus, customer retention focus etc. So many business try to branch out to quickly and lose site of their core successes. You can't be everything to everyone - and you shouldn't have to, to maintain customers. People lose focus of the initial concept for starting the business and start doing things like hiring to fast, paying too much, investing in too much office technology, not utilizing partnerships and moving the business in a direction that strays from core competencies.

...this will be revisited.

Now Playing: C+C Music Factory - Things That Make You Go Hmmm (haha...forgot about that one, eh?)

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