Friday, September 29, 2006

Answer your phone using your watch - Sony teams with Fossil

The latest in phone accessories is apparently the blue tooth watch. The combination of watch and blue tooth is not new, however, the Erickson/Fossil watch, the new MBW-100, is being touted as the most “stylish” to date. As if we aren’t attached to our phones enough as it is, now in addition to ultra trendy ear pieces, you can screen, reject and answer calls right from your watch (yes, it features a caller ID screen). Complete with vibrate alert, there will be no more excuses about why you missed a call. I’m not sure what the intended target is here, but I don’t see too many men switching out their Rolexes to sport the Sony Ericson/Fossil, not for long at least. Note to Fossil: you might want to add some bling! Over the years, watches have become a status symbol for men, much like cars. A word of caution to men that might be considering this, women pay close attention to the type of watch a guy is wearing. Not saying we are gold diggers, but having a blue tooth watch...i dunno...might put you in the techy, nerdy category. Not that, that's not cool, but let's not go overboard. From what i've seen, collecting watches seems to be common among many men, we will see how many of them forego fashion for function. Question - do these come “in cute and pink” or is the only style “testosterone" - can the girls get in on this?

By the way, I’m not sure when this will make it's way to the US market…stay tuned for updates!

Now playing: 007 Bond Theme (didn't James have one of these)

Non-sequitur - The going rate for 10 days in space is 20 million dollars - Yowser!

For more information, read the article.


Anonymous said...

You girls are doing a wonderful job, keep up the good work.

Sherna said...

Thanks - we'll try to!