Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Business 101: Over-Negotiating


Something about the idea of starting a business, and really jumping into it (like - "we ARE doing this...no bones about it") is empowering. You start thinking you can do anything (within reason). That you WILL become that image of a (wo)man that you've seen in numerous company presentations, or consistently throughout your 4 years of college - That successful smart looking (wo)man, on a cell phone (outside of course), in front of some skyscrapers - with a facial expression like he's listening to what could be THE deal (s)he's been waiting for. And no, we don't know the man in the pic.

You've seen all the Apprentice episodes where business people are constantly on the go - approving plans, wheeling and dealing, negotiating, hiring and firing. And some of it is contagious. You're ready to start closing deals and negotiating and become THAT entrepreneur.

But at what point does negotiating become a moot point and a waste of time (effort and frankly, money)? When you're talking about a multi-billion $$$ deal, is it worth the time, effort and possibility of losing the deal to quibble over $1.5 MM (less than .1% of the overvalue of the deal)? Or in real estate, is it worth losing a potential buyer in an effort to gain an additional $5K on a $600,000 home?

Or in the case of a domain name, risk losing a domain, at a good price, in an effort to "test the waters" of negotiation, and save yourself $50? Dumb, yes I know NOW.

I can't help but wonder...

:::Sex And The City Moment:::

At what point does "seeking the best bank for your buck" cross over into OVER negotiating?

Now Playing: Lamb - Small : What Sound

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