Friday, September 29, 2006

Opportunity: BUZZ For Your Start-Up

First Off: If you didn't know, and you're in the Silicon Valley area and trying to start a business (or trying to meet men who start businesses...haha), join the Silicon Valley Association for Start-up Entrepreneurs. And even if you're not in Northern California...join anyway. It's worth it.
Who: Silicon Valley Association for Start-Up Entrepreneurs

What: Launch! Silicon Valley. An event designed to help business who have, or right about to launch, to generate buzz, excite customers, recruit talent and unearth partners. NOT intended to help raise funds/capital (this is not a pitchfest! It's a buzzfest).

When: November 8

And, October 15th marks the last day for companies to be nominated to attend Launch!SiliconValley - an event put on by the SVASE (Silicon Valley Association for Start-Up Entrepreneurs). To nominate a company, submit an "executive summary" (or version of one) to

Where: Microsoft Campus, Redmond Washington

Why: Because you're a new business. Because you want to generate buzz (which generates $$$). Because you want to wow people with your creativity, ingenuity and new business product. And because you want to walk around and scope the competition of recently launched web companies.

For more information: [click here]

Now Playing: Kruder and Dorfmeister - Bass and Several Cars

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