Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Forbes Career Advice: Star in your own reality show (yes, seriously)

Tips to Star In Your Own Reality Show (courtesy Forbes Online)

Nadi, here's the answer, we are on our way to the beach house ---LOL

Choose the right show
Some of these reality shows may do more harm then good to your career, so research the one that aligns with your values and personality. "Getting on any show and thinking that it will help your business won't work," said Sara Blakely, founder of the pantyhose company Spanx and participant in The Rebel Billionaire

Be patient
When there's a mass call for reality show participants, hundreds upon hundreds of people show up. Be prepared to get there early and stay late. It might be a good idea to bring a portable chair

Be yourself
Reality show alumni advise prospective participants against doing outlandish stunts for their audition tape and interview. The interviewers are experts--they'll see through you. Also, they want you to be yourself since that's what they'll get once you're on TV.

Take time off
You're going to have to take time off for the interview process--some shows require you interview for about ten days--and the actual show if you get on. Remember, it's an investment and good things can come from the publicity.

Get physical
Often these shows have a physical element to them, which means the interview will too. Don't be scared to break a sweat--chances are they'll test your heart rate and give you a stress test.


Incase you are wondering, NO, this wasn't a special LA edition. Ah, gotto love those guys at Forbes!

Now playing:

Money Money Money MONEY, Apprentice Theme

Chances of being on the Apprentice - unknown
Chances of hitting the jackpot in Vegas - better than chances of being on the Apprentice

For more information, read the article.

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