Friday, September 22, 2006

Anti-Kudos: Second life, get a first life

Second Life is a simulated world with more than 700,000 "residents," or players, who sometimes refer to their offline existence as their "first life." MTV has recently launched their own Laguna Beach of this. Are you kidding me, people who have time to do this, don't have a first life. Second Life, and games such, that give people extensive online lives are ridiculous. We are breeding a society of anti-socials, who will sit on their computers all day living virtual lifes and never truly "live". Neither will they be very productive. Second Life allows residents to chat, shop, build homes, travel and hold down jobs, and they are encouraged to create items in Second Life that they can sell to others or use themselves. Creating a virtual community with goods that translate to real world money is the only part of this that i "get". However, partying it up online with your avatar and travelling - stop it. Here's my advice to all you Second Lifer's, if you put this time/energy into your "first life", imagine how much better it would be....

Now playing: The Fray "How to save a life"

Non-Sequitur: Who believes that Meredith actually likes Finn, please...he's so not competition for Derek.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more!

Anonymous said...

next thing you know ppl are gonna be getting wasted on virtual tequila