Monday, September 25, 2006

Latest in Marketing - Cocaine, Flying Cars, Bad Breath?

Cocaine Now Available in Stores – the latest energy drink,Cocaine, boasts that it has 350% the energy of the bull. Are they trying to kill us! It promises the euphoria of drugs — but legally. Great, but, one of the allures of drugs, is the fact that they are illegal. Apparently, this Las Vegas based beverage company, is targeting the twenty something year old male by being "street" cool – who still thinks Cocaine is cool??

Crest New Mobile Message Campaign – Do I have bad breath?

"We want to make sure we connect with them where they are really thinking about fresh breath and reach them in places where it makes sense," said Kevin Buss, Crest interactive marketing manager. It makes sense to reach us when you can help us, don't reach me while i'm out and about, now all you've done is got me all self-conscious about the fact i might have bad breath...Come on Crest!
Players text the message "IQ" or "Extreme" to the short code 27378 to receive a series of questions based around dating scenarios and written by Samantha Daniels, a relationship expert and author of Matchbook: The Diary of a Modern Day Matchmaker.
For example, one question asks: Tonight is destined to be special, what do you wear? How lame can you get?
"You can see people sitting around the bar participating, taking the quiz and having a laugh," said Carsten Boers, president of Flytxt.. Which bars are these?? Not the bars I go to, we will not be answering Seventeen Magazine type, do you find me irresistible questions. Ha!

GM sneaking ads on social networking sites - (Nice)

In their latest effort to reach the Youtube,Myspace gen, GM has planted a few ads that feature flying cars on various social networks. GM's hope is that consumer's discover the ads on their own and share them with friends. Yes GM, use us, let us market for you, for free - i love it!

Now playing:

Best Days, Matt White


Anonymous said...

Man..I have no idea what cool is anymore..I really don't

Is there an ebook or something?

Nadiyah said...

...that could be arranged... :)