Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ted Turner - Women Should Run Things

The founder of CNN, Ted Turner, proved today that he is very progressive by declaring that women should be given a chance to run things and men should be barred from public office. Nice job Ted! Not sure how your male counterparts feel about this, but to hell with them, the current state of affairs needs some shaking up and us women might just be the ones to do this, thanks for being "man" enough to say it out loud.

"Men should be barred from public office for 100 years in every part of the world. ... It would be a much kinder, gentler, more intelligently run world. The men have had millions of years where we've been running things. We've screwed it up hopelessly. Let's give it to the women."

Ted Turner

Now playing: John Mayer "Waiting on the world to change"

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