Thursday, October 05, 2006

Who Needs A Business Model??

You do!

...and it seems like we do too. HA!

If you're launching a business, and especially if you're launching one of 1409812348091234 new internet businesses, you need a business model.

Why, you ask? Here's a few reasons:
  • Folks are blaming the Web 1.0 (the stuff waaaaay back in the late 90's/early 2000's) dot-com crash on the fact that money was plowed into businesses who had great concepts and ideas, but lacked the ability to carry these to fruition and a business model. Uh oh.
  • They establish how you plan to make money. As much as we web-2.0-dot-commers hate it, a business is nothing without a revenue generating engine. And umm...last I checked, "selling to Google, Yahoo! or Rupert Murdoch based on the number of monthly hits we get" does not qualify as a business model. Shucks!
  • They help your potential investor understand where you're headed.
  • Because the Venture guys say so.
    "Do you do everything they say?"
    No. But this one, I'm going to ride with. We've got the ideas and they've got the deep pockets ($$$). If they say you NEED a business model to trade, why WOULDN'T you make one?!
That leads to: What is a business model?
  • The basic process flow indicating how a business operates: including how business functions are linked together
  • The fundamental value proposition that defines a company's presence in the market
  • A representation of a company's revenue stream, benefits to the customer and architecture (schema) to deliver those benefits
  • ITS basically how you do what you say you're going to do and how you make $$$
Want the full article? [Click Here]

...and they say business isn't sexy. :ha:

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