Friday, October 06, 2006

Business 101: How to Rate your idea

You've got a business and you're ready to go. You think its great. Some friends have expressed doubts. Some have expressed full blown support.

Should you move forward with your idea?

Before you jump: ask yourself one question - would you use your product/service/website - and not simply because its yours?!

Its that simple. Would you use it?

We had one idea where Sherna just wasn't with it. I was being stubborn until I stepped back and realized "She's right". "I wouldn't use this either". And if I wouldn't use it, how can I expect anyone else to use it? How can I honestly sell something to someone that I don't find useful (or wouldn't use for whatever reason)?

And if YOU wouldn't use it, why do you expect other people to?

The more I talk to other idea-whores (entrepreneurs with lots of ideas and no money to execute but are trying to boot-strap anyway) the more I realize there are a lot of people who come into business with the idea of "hey lets start a business, ok now lets find an idea" and come up with concepts and ideas that while they think may be big, they themselves don't support. "The teen market will eat this up, but I think its stupid".

That just doesn't work.

You don't go into a relationship with the mindset of a one-night stand. Why go into business with the perspective of a used car salesman?

If you wouldn't use it, chances are no one else will either. And if no one's going to use it, why create it? Let go and move on.

Now Playing: Lupe Fiasco - The Instrumental

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