Friday, October 20, 2006

Ad Age reveals brands that spend the most bucks to get your attention

Here’s why you can’t stop thinking about…


  1. Verizon $937.7
  2. Cingular $628.6
  3. Ford $540.3
  4. AT&T $511.5
  5. Sprint $496.0
  6. Toyota $485.8
  7. Chevrolet $443.0
  8. McDonald's $379.5
  9. Dell $336.4
  10. Home Depot $306.9
  11. Nissan $298.0
  12. Honda $296.9
  13. Vonage $293.2
  14. T-Mobile $284.6
  15. Target $279.1

Is it working??? Quick test, how many of these companies tagline do you know??

Notice any social networks...nope!!

Nadi Says: Forget social networks. Notice any internet companies at all?! Nope. These companies all provide goods and services OFF the internet. The question is why is internet "branding" so different? How much has Google spent on advertising?!?!? Does Google even have a tagline? :shrug:


Anonymous said...

I know all of them...that's sad.

Nadiyah said...

Thats not sad. All the money they spend, we ALL had better know who they are or thats some serious money wasted.

Damn...I didn't know Vonage had money to spend on marketing like that.

I wonder how many of these companies feel like their efforts are worth it in the end.

Anonymous said...

Well... I don't know any of them.

Isn't McDonald's "Have it your way"?

Nadiyah said...

Nissan: Shift
Cheverolet: An American Revolution
Target: Expect More. Pay Less.
T-Mobile: I know the little ringtone but not the tag line
Vonage: A smart decision amongst many stupid ones (or something like that).

Those are the only ones I know.

Anonymous said...

T-Mobile is "Get more"

Adventures of Boy Meets Girl - L.A. Style said...

Audarius - "Have it Your Way" is Burger King - oh no...i do marketing for BK, not good if you are confusing our tags...