Monday, October 30, 2006

Marketing: Tampax at Gamerorz Ball....Why??

MTVU recently launched their 2006 Gamerorz Ball Tour. For those not familiar, Gamerorz Ball tours college campuses and sets up environments that allow gamers to play new games, find out what's coming out and test new hardware. This year's Gamerorz Ball featured Tampax as one of it's sponsors, yup, they were present handing out tampons. Now, i may not be in the field of marketing for 10 years +, but... TAMPAX? LOL. The kick off tour date saw a 80/20 ratio of men to women. Hey Tampax - call us! LOL! Yes, females go to these events as well, but typically more men do, and women don't want to scope out tampons with a room full of men. In addition, men aren't going home to say, "hey honey, have you tried the new pearl tampon"..... whose bright idea was this..

Non-Sequitur: Please don't be Steve Erwin for halloween.

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