Monday, October 16, 2006

The Lull...

To all our fans out there (ha)...sorry for the "lull". I don't know what Sherna was up to - but I was in DC last week, attending a training class for work.

Six Sigma Green Belt Certification - WOOO!! Interesting stuff. HAHA!!

But it was nice to "get away" for a few days.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you've been! I check everyday for new posts!

Nadiyah said...

Yea, it happens. "Duty" (the cubicle farm) calls.

But we're back.

I also think "the lull" was a bit of the rollarcoastar ride that starting a business is. You're pumped and excited and ready to conquer the world one minute, and the next - you're still there, but you're not as enthused. And then something happens and BAM! You're back to being the next "big thing".

Anonymous said...

I know. It can be frustrating, at least for me it is. I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE the times when I lose my "oomph" to get up and go. I hate losing that spark. BUT...I LOVE getting it back.

Glad you're back in the saddle!

Nadiyah said...

I dunno - I think its kinda "natural" (without sounding like Dr. Phil). It gives you time to revisit why you're doing IT (whatever "it" is) in the first place.

All the reminder I needed was coming back to work on Monday morning.

Now THATS a lull... :)