Monday, October 30, 2006

Randomness: Hollyweird and Marriage

Why is it that NO ONE, and I repeat NO ONE, can stay married in Hollywood?? And before you fellas out there are about to roll their eyes and say "who cares", keep reading...

Ryan Philippe and Reese Witherspoon announced their separation. Why do I care? Because I liked them - both great actors (yes, female actresses are now referred to as ACTORS), they weren't all up in the limelight and seemed to be semi-normal.

The question is, is this whole not-being-able-to-stay-marrried-for-more-than-10-minutes stuff a Hollywood thing or syptomatic of something else? That contrary to popular opinion and the whole Republican mantra of marriage being a "sacred act between two people", that folks don't take marriage as seriously as they used to?! That its something to do, an excuse to have a party, where an expensive dress and receive gifts?!

Maybe Forbes had a point with the "not the marrying type" article. Not that women over 20 who are semi-educated and semi-ambitious shouldn't be desired, but that marriage is becoming more difficult to sustain, across the board?? That maybe we've all become jaded into what we think marriage is and isn't.

I mean really, if rich, beautiful people who receive free stuff (just think, you don't even have to BUY Valentine's Day Gifts or remember Anniversaries - just give him/her the free crap from the MTV awards - and by crap I mean a $10K Juice Couture doggy purse
or a Chrysler Crossfire) can't get it right, is there hope for the rest of us?! :::partially joking:::

Maybe the problem isn't the institution of marriage but what all of us think about marriage. Does the average 20 year old female dream of her wedding day, dress and bridesmaids - or is more about her career, her family, her 401K and her career prospects? Maybe the average 20 year old male isn't concerned with working to one day support a family, but is more interested in working to support the here-and-now - what moves him at this moment.

I can't help but wonder...

:::Sex and the City moment:::

When folks can't seem to stay married, is marriage the problem, or is it us and our changing "ideals"?

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