Wednesday, August 23, 2006

History: Humble Beginnings

Someone asked me in an email, how we got started. "What was your inspiration?" "When did you know you wanted to a business owner?".

Great questions, although our start was hardly that romantic and life changing and was more the result of CONSTANTLY complaining that we were bored despite living in a HUGE city (Los Angeles). OUR start was/is simple - and it goes a little something like this:

:::hip hop beat in the background:::

Picture two girls - we were bored at work and we're bored at home, and we're thinking "we live in this HUGE city and we are bored??" - how is that possible?

Our Options: we can spend our time find people to do something with (men!) or we can spend our time finding things to do and worry about men later (hey! we're 20-somethings).

Hmmm: how can we help other people find people to do things with OR things to do (we hadn't made up our minds).

Decision Time: we don't want to make a dating website (although we seriously thought about it), because dating on the internet is dime a dozen, hit or miss and oversaturated. So how can we give people the things to do?

Extensions: if we can do it in our city can we do it other places?!

The Risky Business: And then as we REALLY started formulating, we started getting scared - this is expensive, if people are going to invest they are going to expect that we can not only pull it off, but be successful - and what happens if it doesn't work, and what happens if we quit our day-jobs and go broke in the process, and ruin our credit and all the other things that come along with diving in headfirst with an idea that requires some risk.

The Alternative: BUT then we started thinking about what would happen if we DIDN'T pursuit our idea - more working, 10-12 hour days in a cubicle, for a salary that's alright, but with NO REAL opportunity for serious challenges and advancement in the near future.

We've got nothing to lose, but some credit score points and our hard earned savings HAHA.

:::Don't be fooled by the confidence oooozing from this post:::

Now Playing: Tori Amos - Crucify (she's amazing)

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