Monday, August 28, 2006

BOBO #1: Idea ADD

Sherna Says:

I’m stuck. We’re so stuck. Stuck in a rut we can’t get out of….a rut of ideas on top of ideas and information overload that I'm drowning in it. We come up with an idea, then we research it till its dead and we decide it stinks… Dude, we are so never going to get anywhere that way. How do we fix that?

I figured out the problem with the calendar idea. It’s not exciting. I looked at 30boxes and thought – blah…what’s wrong here, why haven’t any of these calendars taken off???? There seems to be quite a few in existence??? [Scobleizer's Explanation]

Honestly, I want to do something more simple. Plus with both of us with full time jobs – when the heck are we going to do this…it has to be simple, so we can build slowly.

I think this is me wanting a beach house and having a nervous breakdown about no clue how to get it.

Summary: We are suffering from idea overload (and we have the email inboxes to prove it). How do we curb the ideas, stop hashing and re-hashing, and come up with something concrete to move forward with, that we both feel good enough about to put our name on it and say "yea, this is ours"?

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