Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Business 101: REAL Networking

You are who you associate with.

Some might argue that's a snob's way of justifying why (s)he only associates with other snobs is the ultimate sign of elitism - "Oh, so you're too good for the normal guy?". But there's something to be said for the "birds of a feather" argument - hence why there's a bunch of corny cliches that reiterate why like minds tend to be found together. Last I checked, Warren Buffet isn't running around with a bunch of the financially challenged - not necessarily rich, but savvy, Richard Branson wasn't sitting on his private island trying to convince the risk-averse to try, umm...swimming?, and Kevin Rose wasn't running around with a crowd who still couldn't navigate around AOL let alone the real internet. What am I getting at? There's a reason why people have different networks for different purposes. And who your business network can forever shape how people view you and your business.

What's my point?

How do we align ourselves with the successful, self-starting entrepreneurs, with big dreams and a big desire to make things happen + the risk-amorous, venture capitalists and investors with loot to invest? Loot = hip hop slang for money, synonoms - cheddar (chedda), gouda (type of cheese, see chedda) and bread.

How? By Changing our network:

  • first Tuesday - International network of forums and events that bring together bright minds and deep pockets (think non-US TechCrunch). Based in Johannesburg - locations in some 20+ countries. Check it out, especially if you're outside the US.
  • WorkHappy - Killer Resources for Entrepreneurs. Great way to keep up to day on what's out there, what's good, what's not and how it can be best used. Tailored for the entrepreneurial mind.
  • Paul Graham's Articles - essay style blog providing entrepreneurial advice. Includes titles such as "How to Present to Investors", "Good and Bad Procrastination" (this is on our to-read list) and "What You'll Wish You'd Known" (sounds ominous). Well written, great sense of sarcastic humor and good information. Worth the read.
  • TechCrunch - blog for all things moving in the internet technology sphere. Hosts quarterly parties (for $150 a pop) between successful entrepreneurs and VC's. If $150 is too much for a ticket for the chance to rub shoulders with VC's like Garage, Atherton VC, Michael Levin (PayPal! dude) and Kevin Rose (Digg! dude), then start formatting that resume for is NOT for you.
  • Entrepreneur27 - blog, web community and networking site for entrepreneurs, 27 and under (hence the name). Hosts randomly-scheduled events (free!) between successful entrepreneurs (ideally under 27) and VC's.
  • Noah Kagan's BusThoughts - random musings on the growing internet technosphere, business, marketing, technology, and amongst the people in these circles. Definitely worth the read and the visit.
  • Ladies Who Launch - pretty simple actually - a website full of ladies who launch (companies). A home for all entrepreneur-ettes, of all ages. Weekly events in various cities nation wide (unlike the above - non focused solely on the Silicon Valley). By all means girly.
  • Social Degree - Blog about the happenings of the social networking industry, since it is the industry to be in. It's basically the place for all those who have Web 2.0 in their executive summary to the extent that they are powered by user-driven-content, but beyond that, have little concept as to what Web 2.0 exactly means. It's like consultants who say "solutioning" (mental note: its not a verb) - and yes, I can say this because, well - I am a consultant.

This list will continually be updated. Don't get me wrong...all networks are valuable. But where you spend your focus and your time says a lot about your committment to succeed and what level of success you are seeking.

In other words, less message board posting... more getting ourselves out there.

Which leads to how you can make yourself memorable - Cher costumes and drunken dance routines/karaoke jaunts need not apply - in a good way. Hint: Business Cards probably aren't going to cut it (although they're a good start). We'll discuss creating long lasting impressions later, once we figure it out.

Now Playing: Bjork - Animal of Me (album: Post)


Anonymous said...

great post! i think about networking it is all about not networking about creating long-term relationships.

glad you liked my site:)

Nadiyah said...

Agreed. So how do you ("we") accomplish what takes many a lifetime, in a matter of months - or at least the extent to feel comfortable partnering or investing?!