Thursday, August 24, 2006

Business 101: Business Plan Overkill?

Here's a question: lets say you have an idea and it'd be expensive to pull off or at least more expensive then what you can currently afford - or you think you'd be that much more successful if you partnered up with someone (or at least someone else's loot). Is it in your best interest to spend time formulating a business plan - or figuring out a way to get out there and "get 'er done" and worry about a business plan later?!

Because when you really get down to it: which is more telling, indicative of your drive and potential for success and more interesting: a 30 page business plan complete with facts, figures, and maybe some cool icons OR a fledgling product/website that you've been able to launch despite being employed full time and being on a 20-something's budget??

Which is it?!

And why do so many of us spend so much MORE time writing busines plans rather than pursuing our ideas?

:::Sex And the City Moment:::

I can't help but wonder, are business plans a planning necessity or a form of adult procrastination?

Now Playing: Gorillaz - El Manana (Demon Dayz)


Anonymous said...

great line!

perhaps it's more closer to the truth that business plans are a form of managerial procrastination

essentially, the planning process was developed for large, industrial corporations who need business plans for hierarchy reporting.

then, about 40 years ago - the academics started to teach entrepreneurship in response to student demand, but they didn't have any native entrepreneurial conceps, so they had to import stuff from organisational managemnt.

that's how business planning came to be taught in entrepreneurship: because there was little else available to teach.

in reality, however, business planning has nothing to do with startups because nascent businesses don't have a reporting heirarchy and don't require to carry out their original plans.

the greatest document which can help you start your business is a report detailing the results of your primamry market reserch.

unlike a business plan, it's not a fairytale, and as such it will open the doors you need to aggreagate needed resources currently outside of your control.

that's what you need - something to help you kick things off and avoid managerial procrastination

Nadiyah said...

Hmm... so we're advocating taking the "why we ARE the next big thing" out of the business plan and focusing on that stuff that really is integral to our success -the marketplace and the competition??

Less Procrastination for us???


:::I Like the idea and I do understand where you're going from. Thanks for the insight. Are you a professor?:::