Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Random: YOPOs

Are you a Yopo?

A yopo is a young professional, not necessarily a Yuppy but someone
who is:
  • Making above $40,000
  • Has a college education
  • Spends a lot of money on random things, because they...
  • May live with their parents but possibly renting their own place
  • May be interested in technology but not a requirement. This group of people
    including myself wants to be recognized and needs to be marketed to
    specifically. They are the next generation of business people in
    America…Generation Yopo.

Thanks to Noah Kagan for the definition. BTW - Nice Ali G impersonation. :)

What differentiates the self-proclaimed "yopo"s from the Yuppies (aside from the obvious age gap)?

Are the Yopos that generation turned-off by Corporate America and cubicles, instead intrigued by romantic notions of internet success a la FaceBook and Digg? Have the so-called Yopos traded face-to-face social interaction for blogging, Skype and instant messager (on our cell phones of course)? Some might say so, but if you ask a YoPo, they'd tell you "no" - we haven't become more antisocial, we're just more selective in who we choose to face-to-face with. Hence the popularity of TechCrunch and Entrepreneur27 events - those that bring together bright minds and deep pockets.

Has there ever been a better combination?!

Now Playing: Justin Timberlake - SexyBack (forget JT, Timbaland is baaaack!)
Note: Yay to the Roots for securing a 4/4 rating on their newest album: Game Theory

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