Wednesday, August 09, 2006

History: Adventures of the Entrepreneur-ettes

Yup. That's what this is.

We're doing it. We're diving in (we think). We're looking for seed money in the realm of $100K - $200K.

And so this is going to chronicle our experiences.

You'd think with all this beautiful blog technology, they're already be a site out there with this exact purpose. Nope.. They are fool of hokey details like "thanking your parents" and "taking time out for yourself" (no kidding!) and no real deal information like "how did you prepare for venture capital funding" and "when was the 192840492th time you told yourself you were crazy for wanting to start a business, and actually believing that for whatever reason, it was possible".

All right here.

Sit back, relax and enjoy.

At least someone's going to be relaxing - and something tells me it won't be us.

Now Playing: Inner City - Good Life
Yea I know it's some 90's almost-Miami-Bass type mess, but hey... I didn't ask you. :)

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