Friday, January 05, 2007

For 2007:

So I'm sitting at home "working" (with Dr. Phil in the background) and he's talking about New Year's Resolutions.

Top 10 New Years Resolutions that people don't stick with:

5. To go back to school.

4. To find a new job.

3. To start a business.

2. To get married - I had a friend who actually said this once. A single friend at that. Somethin tells me this one only applies to the ladies

And the number one resolution that people make that people NEVER stick with

1. To lose weight. ...and you thought ALL the 24 Hour Fitness and Bally's commercials were a coincidence.

Why'd I write this post? Because Dr. Phil said something that made sense - why do people place so much emphasis on this arbitrary date (the start of a new year) as the catalyst for change.

And why did I fall into that trap?

Recently my partner and I have lost the bug - not the desire to start a business - but are finding ourselves overwhelmed by figuring out what to do FIRST. And our paralysis-by-analysis has caused us to do NOTHING. And as the year came to a close, I found myself saying "2007 will be the year". WHY??? Why am I waiting for some day in the future to make IT happen? Why not right now?

Well...either way, my procrastination can't last much longer because 2007 is here.

Let's make it a good one. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, glad to have you back.

I think it's easier to have an arbitrary demarkation point that you can say "Enough is enough of the status quo". I believe it's more about ending the past then waiting for the future.

I'm not usually a fan either, but like you found myself using the new year as a call to action. When you think of it that way, I think it's something useful.